Spring into Safety 2017

Spring into Safety 2017

We had our annual safety meeting and trail runs on a warm and beautiful Saturday in Farmington, NM. First we met at the Kiwanas Park for winch demonstrations, CB lessons and tuning, looking at what people have in their tool boxes, and lunch. After lunch most of us headed to Chokecherry Canyon and ran Skinny Canyon and Brown’s Springs.img_0177 img_0175Billy Schultheiss and Kevin Fox are demonstrating proper winch techniques.
img_0179Group line up at the end of Skinny Canyon.  We had 14 Jeeps run the trails.17192512_10210043334498740_8077282073123487518_o Scott Click climbing a hill in a small playground on Skinny Canyon.17309397_10208653646681654_6427163204748891244_nKevin Heckman going up a wedge in Skinny Canyon.
17390645_10210043333018703_8816503594981550372_o Chad Beal testing out his new set up.  Not sure if he has enough flex yet!todd-jones-4 Todd Jones getting some good air on the tippy spot on Skinny Canyon trail.17424785_10208653645641628_5760566812776320427_nKevin Heckman going up a series of ledges in Brown’s Springs
img_0181Chad Beal going up some ledges in Brown’s Springs.17343006_10208653645761631_4571704978115758240_nAshley Mosby coming down a ledge in Brown’s Springs.