Black Bear Pass/Guston Ghost town

Black Bear Pass and Guston Ghost Town

We had a foggy and rainy trip on Saturday over Black Bear Pass and back over Ophir Pass.  Some of us made the side trip up to Alta Lakes, Gold King Basin, and Ames Powerplant. The wildflowers were right at their peak.

Saturday we made a couple short hikes on Red Mountain along the old Silver Railroad tracks.  We hiked to the Corkscrew turntable and then to the Guston Train Depot.  After that we made the quick trip to the remains of the Guston Church and pastor’s house.Billy Schultheiss and Chad Beal are putting in the road closed signs that the winter snow knocked down.
The group lined up at the top of Black Bear Pass.  It was a bit foggy and drizzly.Ingram Falls with the Black Bear Mill barely visible in the background.Scott Click is telling Mark Pearson to go forward.  We ran into this crossover that got into trouble on the sloppy mud. Views from Gold King Basin by Alta Lakes. Mugzy enjoying the amazing wildflowers. Corkscrew Turntable American Girl Mine Guston Train Depot.  It was more of a place for passengers to wait out of the rain and snow.Remains of the old Guston Church with the log cabin behind the remains of the pastor’s home.